Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Have a Harrods Christmas!

November is Boyfriend's birthday, and he doesn't really like to spend his birthday at home. Last year we went to Tunisia for a week. This year our plans were scaled back slightly and we went to London for a few days. I love London, I love the bustle and noise.

I decided to drag Boyfriend over to Harrods after sunset one day to check out the window displays which are always so beautiful, he was, to say the least, not happy about it so I didn't ge to stay for long. 

This year, the windows were decorated around the theme 'The Harrods Express'. Starting off with a gorgeous sleek steam train the windows follow the perimiter of the building as train carriages, with the viewer on the street seeing into them as if they were passing along the train corridor. Inside each carriage is a window looking out into the snowy countryside as the Harrods Express rushes by. It was a beautifully designed and co-ordinated display.

Here are some images of my favourite set ups.

Harrods Express, Harrods, London. My ideal train carriage - books, snacks, vintage overtones!

Harrods Express, wouldn't you just love to be at this party?! Glamorous dresses, coctails, perfet train journey!

Harrods Express. Evening wear and champagne. Delicious!
Harrods Express for afernoon tea anyone? Any day!

Harrods Express, I loved the sense of casual decadence here.

Harrods Express, it seems many of these gifts didn't make it home for Christmas and now she's relaxing after an unwrapping frenzy!